Acceptance Criteria
Your product should be built on the Internet Computer. We judge this bounty based on:
- The overall business case of the dapp, i.e. how sound is the business model, how innovative is the product etc.
- How well it makes use of ICP technology.
- The overall quality of the code.
- The design of the user interface and the user experience
- Bonus points for providing feedback on the developer experience.
Further acceptance criteria:
- Readme that explains the project and provides information on how to deploy and use.
- Open source code (MIT or Apache-2.0 license)
- Canister ID(s) of deployment on ICP.
1. ICP x BTC Track
Leveraging ICP's native integration with the Bitcoin network at the protocol level, we encourage you to create innovative applications that seamlessly incorporate Bitcoin transactions and functionalities.
Embrace the synergy of ICP and Bitcoin:
- High-Functionality Bitcoin DApps: Create decentralised applications that extend Bitcoin's functionality. You could develop DEXs with BTC trading pairs or DeFi solutions integrating Bitcoin, all made possible by ICP's direct management of Bitcoin addresses and transactions.